Friday, November 6, 2009

Buddha would like to introduce Denali

On Saturday [ Howl-een ;~) ] we received a call from a family needing help to re-home their pup. Brad and I went to evaluate the pup so to get an idea on his personality, in order to help them find a new home. During our evaluation both Brad & I unexpectedly fell in LOVE. Serendipitously, we came home with a new addition. We named him Denali. Denali means, A Great One.

Buddha~Bear is so in love with Denali. Buddha thinks that he is his personal baby. The video clip shows their wild time of the day. Mostly Buddha grooms Denali and they like to just hang out together.

What a brood we have ;~) Brad never thought that we would have 5 dogs and actually, neither did I.... it just happened ;~)
Enjoy the video. Check back and watch Denali grow up on the blog.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Buddha~Bear and Keanu love dressing up... we recently pulled out the Halloween box to see what costumes we had available for some photos.... and dressed up the pup-a-doos. We all had fun.
Remember to have a SAFE halloween, for you and your furry family.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Buddha~Bear

On September 17th, Buddha celebrated his 2nd birthday. Over the past year and half, Buddha has touched so many people. Everyone wants their own Buddha. Recently when Buddha was out with us, a little girl with Down's Syndrome was gazing at him. Buddha walked over and let her kiss him on the head and hold his face. He is just an amazing dog. I love him more everyday.

On his birthday, he eat special treats and had a doggie ice cream (Frosty Paws). He even allowed me to put a birthday hat on him while we posed for pictures. Buddha has turned into an amazing young dog. I look forward to future years with my Buddha~Bear.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Buddha's 1st Professional Grooming

Buddha has his 1st professional grooming Monday by our friend Karen. Karen is the best groomer using only gentle methods, and gently easing the dog over their worries. She has great patience. Buddha was bathed and conditioned in Italian Clay products, which smell AMAZING. The product line is Armonie Naturali Then Karen gently thinned some of the very abundant under-coat to leave a much cooler and happier Buddha~Bear. Once the grooming was finished Buddha played with Jacob, Karen's GSD pup. They had so much fun that when Buddha was ready to leave and all leashed up, Jacob took control of the leash not wanting him to leave ;~)

Thank-you Karen for the amazing grooming. Buddha looks awesome, smells awesome and feels much better. Enjoy the photos.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Buddha's Friends & Family

Aloha everyone,
I have been very busy with med. school and work, so sorry for the long wait on a new post.
Buddha~Bear has been having a lot of fun with friends and family.  To me, there is no dog better than Buddha.  I am so grateful to have my Buddha~Bear.  I have another video of Buddha and his adventures.  Buddha hiking with his Dad & house-mate Romeo, his friend Cami a chow mix, his half-brother from Tina's Acer breeding named Ender, our cat Sinbad, and his newest house-mate an African Leopard Tortoise named Dharma (or that is the name for the moment, still trying to find a name that fits him).  Buddha really likes watching out for Dharma. And we also discovered a hummingbird with an egg in our front yard.  Hope you enjoy.
Buddha and I wish everyone WELLNESS.
Peace & namaste~