Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Growth spurt update

Sorry I have not posted in awhile.  I am so busy with work, medical school, family/friends/Buddha.  So here is an update on Buddha.  He is now 8 months old and over 90lbs, 28 inches at the shoulder and eating about 5 lbs of raw food a day.  Buddha gets looks where ever he goes.  At a local earthy bookstore, one of the employees calls Buddha her boyfriend.  She gets all excited when she sees him coming into the store.  

My parents came to visit for my son's high school graduation, and my parents made an attempt to kidnap Buddha and take him back to Florida.... no worries, they were not successful.  Buddha is MY momma's boy.... 

Buddha just LOVES to wake me up at 5:00 am to go for a walk, and if I don't not get up fast enough, he gets very dramatic adding whimpers and pacing the bedroom floor.  When we first start our walk, he is all 'yippee skippee' and jumps on me.  He is so happy to be up, and out starting the day.  His two best friends are Smudge, a 5 year old maltese and Keanu, a 1.5 year old Cavalier King Charles.  Keanu & Buddha are BFFs.  Smudge the 10 lb maltese is the leader of the 3.  

Buddha also prefers to lay on our sofa's instead of the dog beds, that are strewn across our house.  There are so many to chose from, yet somehow the sofa's are always his number one choice.  Gotta love him when you walk into the room and he looks up with his face full of innocence.  Come on, who could get upset with Buddha.  

He is continually changing and coming out of his shell.  We are truly enjoying him.  He is turning into a great young man.  Cannot wait to see how he continues to change into an adult.  Buddha is the BEST.